Our Services

We provide you a complete range of dental treatments & services:

  • General Dentistry
    - Full mouth Examinations & preventative servicesserivices
    - Children’s dentistry
    - White fillings
    - Wisdom teeth
    - Root Canal Therapy (RCT)
    - Mouthguards
  • Restorative Dentistry
    - Crowns & Bridges
    - Implants
    - Dentures
  • Cosmetic Dentistry
    - Veneers
    - Bonding
    - Orthodontics
  • Emergency Care
    - Same day or after hours services
    - Toothache
    - Broken or chipped tooth
  • Crowns and Veneers

Ceramic Crowns and Veneers are the most popular techniques for restoring a broken tooth. A thin layer of porcelain placed over the teeth. This would be the fantastic way to cover severe stains, straighten teeth and reduce a prominent gap between teeth.
Porcelain veneers for the front teeth have become very popular dental treatment.
For further assistance, please contact one of our dentists to discuss which option would suit you best.

  • Implants

Implants have been considered one of the mostly successful solutions to restore natural tooth function. Implants are inserted in the jawbone to support replacement teeth. These days with our new technology, implants can give you the ability to chew, look and feel just as good as your own teeth.
Please feel free to contact one of our professional dentists for further discussion.

  • Root Canal Therapy (RCT)

Root Canal Therapy (RCT) has been popular for many decades and it has been given the patients the ability to retain their teeth for almost a lifetime. In the past the teeth would have been removed and have to be replaced with many other complicated and expensive procedures. However these days thanks to our latest technology, root canal therapy can provide our patients a pain-free, comfortable and affordable procedure.
For further information please contact one of our surgeries.